Modern Day Slavery Act

About this course
A course designed to highlight the issue of modern slavery and your role in its prevention.
On successful completion of the test users can download and print a certificate.
40 minutes
Users are required to take a final test consisting of 10 default questions. The default pass mark is 70%
The course administrator within your organisation can:
- Change the pass mark
- Implement the random test question feature which selects 10 questions from a bank of 20.
- Can specify that more than 10 questions must be answered (up to the full bank of 20 questions)
Target Audience
Employees of any organisation, and particularly those who interact with supply chains.
Course Curriculum
Highlights the issue of modern slavery and your role in its prevention. Describes types of modern slavery and who it affects. Considers the new additions to slavery legislation outlined in the Modern Slavery Act. Describes how to recognise and report instances of modern slavery.